
History of Disability Services at Universitas Brawijaya

The establishment of a disability service center at Universitas Brawijaya is our active response towards inclusive commitments and for the right to education for all.


PSLD UB was established as an adhoc institution under the coordination of the Chancellor to accommodate people with disabilities within the campus. In the same year, UB opened affirmative admission for people with disabilities.


UB has been recognised as an inclusive campus by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.


The Disability Service House, the main secretariat of the Centre for Disability Studies and Services, was inaugurated at Universitas Brawijaya.


Anugerah Gantari Award to the founder of CDS UB, Slamet Thohari, MA, for his perseverance and activism in fighting for disability inclusion in higher education.


The Zero Project has awarded a prize to the Universitas Brawijaya for its innovation in the form of affirmative action for people with disabilities.


The Disability Services Unit, formally known as the Subdirectorate of Disability Services, reports to the Directorate of Administration and Academic Services.

Sub-Directorate for Disability Services, later known as Center for Disability Studies and Services, is an institution under Brawijaya University that provides services for persons with disabilities. CDS UB was established on 19 March 2012. CDS-UB was established on March 19, 2012. Although the right to non-discriminatory education has been enshrined in the Indonesian Constitution of 1945 and in international treaties, disabled people do not have access to higher education.

Less than one per cent of persons with disabilities have undergraduate degrees due to limited access to higher education for persons with disabilities. In Indonesia, the education model for persons with disabilities is still segregative, providing special education through special schools. This model segregates disabled people from non-disabled people in different settings, leaving disabled people unable to integrate into the wider community after their studies.

Due to the limited access to higher education for persons with disabilities, less than one per cent of persons with disabilities have a bachelor's degree. In Indonesia, the education model for persons with disabilities is still segregative, providing special education through special schools. This model segregates people with disabilities from non-disabled people in different environments, so that people with disabilities are not ready to integrate into a wider environment after their studies. It is also difficult for persons with disabilities to access, enter and qualify for higher education because some universities require them to be "physically and mentally healthy" (sehat jasmani dan rohani). This was the case at Universitas Brawijaya, where there were no accessible facilities or infrastructure. The campus community also had little knowledge of disability issues, even one of Brawijaya's identity philosophies included in UB's symbol and logo is dynamic, universal and equitable.

As a service unit on campus, Brawijaya University Disability Service Centre also collaborates with various institutions nationally and internationally. Since its establishment, PLD UB has collaborated with Macquarie University, La Trobe University, British Council, The Asia Foundation, United Nations, USAID, AusAID, AIDRAN, Indonesian Government, Indonesian Ministries and others on issues ranging from inclusive employment, inclusive public services, national, regional and local policies to fundamental issues such as eliminating stigma and discrimination against persons with disabilities.

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