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Dozens of Educational Staff Participated in Disability Awareness Training
Kota Malang–Since its establishment 10 years ago, CDS UB continues to develop disability-inclusive services. As an integral part of on-campus services, education staff also receive training. Wednesday, September 28, 2022, CDS UB held disability awareness for education staff. They are representatives of various faculties and units in UB.
No less than 70 people were in a meeting room of Santika Hotel, Malang City. They got explanations and practices on how to give services for persons with disabilities. Like the training for volunteers, this disability awareness also applies various stages to the practice of serving people with disabilities.
Participants gain a variety of knowledge related to the disability paradigm to the practice of services for each type of disability. Participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the activity because for some of them, the knowledge was new.
The educational staff of the UB Faculty of Cultural Studies said that she was very happy to participate in the activity. According to her, these activities need to be carried out, especially for education staff who often face students.
"Activities like this need to be carried out frequently so that staff like us, so we understand and can serve people with disabilities," she said.
After theoretical explanation, what is the right point of view to deal with persons with disabilities and others, participants also received practical sessions on academic services as well as on the accessibility of correspondence documents and digital content.
The training practice was divided into four posts, namely blind post, physical disability post, Deaf post, and mental disability post. In each of these posts, participants toke turns in groups. In each of these posts, students with various disabilities also provided explanations related to their respective disabilities.