Accessibility Statement

Measures to support accessibility

Subdirektorat Layanan Disabilitas Universitas Brawijaya memastikan aksesibilitas website ini dengan cara:

Conformance status

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. SLD UB is fully conformant with WCAG 2.0 level AA. Fully conformant means that the content fully conforms to the accessibility standard without any exceptions.


We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of SLD UB. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on SLD UB:

We try to respond to feedback within 2 business days.

Technical specifications

Aksesibilitas SLD UB bergantung pada teknologi berikut ini agar dapat bekerja dengan kombinasi tertentu antara browser web dan teknologi bantu yang terpasang di komputer Anda:

These technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility standards used.

Non-Text Content Accessibility Support

We added accessibility support to non-text content by:

Assessment approach

Subdirektorat Layanan Disabilitas Universitas Brawijaya assessed the accessibility of SLD UB by the following approaches:

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